Monday, October 02, 2006

Sullivan Jumps on Condi-bashing Train

Andrew Sullivan is often wrong, but never in doubt.

As I noted before, Tenet had every opportunity to inform the 9/11 Commission of the meeting in July that Woodward describes as "highly charged" and Condi seems not to remember. Tenet was never bashful about defending the CIA and Tenet did not inform the Commission then, but now seems to be courting the lefties who may access power.

It seems Woodward is doing the same thing.

The chief problem was that Tenet and Cofer Black seemed to couch the impending attack as some sort of hijacking, and not an attack on the U.S. Condi correctly says she would have remembered if the Tenet meeting had mentioned an attack in the U.S itself, which it presumably didn't.

In any event, the clue-challenged Sullivan blames Condi for not telling the Commission, and doesn't bother to mention Tenet's silence until his memory-block was unjammed in conversations with Woodward and it became a big, effing, deal.

This all smacks of hindsight and payback and election-time histrionics. Tenet is not enhancing his reputation by not telling the 9/11 Commission and then fingerpointing at Rice.

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