Sunday, October 01, 2006

Hate Speech or Political Speech Outlawed Equals Zero Free Speech

George Orwell's namesake George Will has an alert on how the Left Coast is beginning to implement the far-left's agenda against the First Amendment.

Now that talk radio versus a bond issue is being fallaciously and meretriciously classified as "political ads," the McCain-Feingold restrictions are beginning to be asserted as contra-free speech.

And "Hate Speech" as defined by the totalitarian-wannabes on the International Left will be soon on the agenda, if a Dem Congress is elected this Fall.

George Will shows how rent-a-judge works in Seattle as well as it does in Detroit, where a Carter mole ruled on an ACLU case while supporting the ACLU as a foundation director":
It got a judge to rule that the broadcasters were not just supporters of the repeal campaign, they were agents of it. Why, they had even used the pronoun "we" when referring to proponents of repeal. Their speech constituted political advertising, and their employer was making an "in-kind contribution" to the repeal campaign. The judge said a monetary value must be placed on their speech (he did not say how, he just said to do it that day). The law says reports must be filed and speech limits obeyed or fines imposed.

Of course, conflict-of-interest means nothing in the class war the Dems are waging against taxpayers and religious Americans.

The Dems are soft on crime because ninety-five percent of non-white-collar crimes are committed by Democrat-oriented felons, which is why Jimmy Carter thinks convicted felons should be given the vote.

And soon, if the Dems gain Congress, expect other assaults on the Constitution as the "penumbras and emanations" that William Douglas divined in his delirium tremens becomes the law of the land [by judicial fiat, of course, since the Congress and Executive Branches have evidently ceded primacy of place to the thumb-sucking jurists of the left.] The Dem Congress will simply support the insurrection on the judicial bench in an attempt to deter GWB from appointing judges to succeed Stevens and a couple of other semi-senile jurists on the SCOTUS. As Will points out:
This is the America produced by "reformers" led by John McCain. The U.S. Supreme Court, in affirming the constitutionality of the McCain-Feingold speech restrictions, advocated deference toward elected officials when they write laws regulating speech about elected officials and their deeds. This turned the First Amendment from the foundation of robust politics into a constitutional trifle to be "balanced" against competing considerations—combating the "appearance of corruption," or elevating political discourse or something. As a result, attempts to use campaign regulations to silence opponents are becoming a routine part of vicious political combat.

McCain again is the mutt's paw of the rabid far-left mongrels as the dogs of war are let slip onto the political landscape.

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