Sunday, September 03, 2006

Western Friends of Al-Qaeda

The Counterterrorism Blog has a good sum-up of Orange County expat Adam Gadahn's 41-minute tape. The most interesting segment to me was the hat/tip and thank-yous to the people Al-Qaeda considers their friends and allies:
The "friends" of al Qaeda?

"Azzam" names "sympathetic" personalities for whom he has messages for action; He asks journalist Seymour Hirsh to "reveal more" than what was published in a New Yorker article on the War: Obviously an open call by al Qaeda to Mr. Hersh to resume the attack against the US War on Terror. Then "Azzam" turns to two British journalists and thanks them for their "admiration and respect for Islam" and encourages them to do the final step: Convert. He names British MP George Galloway and journalist Robert Fisk. But more troubling in Gadahn’s tape was his direct call to Jihadists within the US Armed forces to work patiently till the time comes and they should continue to aggregate while escaping the surveillance of their military authorities. This theme, which I covered briefly in Future Jihad, is of great concern to US national security. The "Azzam" speech brings further concerns as to the credibility of this threat.

It goes without saying that "journalists" like Hersh and Fisk encourage Al-Qaeda to believe they have allies in the MSM who will give their side of the picture. Galloway is a joke, but AQ believes he is a useful idiot, in any event.

Much more worrying is the thought of Jihadists infiltrating the US Armed Forces. Phares has the background as a Lebanese fluent in French and English as well as Arabic to understand much more clearly the extent to which the Jihadists are capable of inserting sleeper cells into American military and other security operations. Read it again:
But more troubling in Gadahn’s tape was his direct call to Jihadists within the US Armed forces to work patiently till the time comes and they should continue to aggregate while escaping the surveillance of their military authorities. This theme, which I covered briefly in Future Jihad, is of great concern to US national security.

And this problem should also concern Americans across the entire spectrum of the political landscape. Even including Democrats, who customarily bathe in a river that flows through Egypt.

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