Thursday, September 07, 2006

Unconfirmed Report Bubba Makes Disney Edit 9/11 Mini-series

Ostroy Report reports that Billy Jeff ClyntOOn managed to buffalo or strong-arm Disney CEO Iger into editing out scenes that metaphorically portray the Clintonian overlawyered incompetence and moral cowardice leading up to the catastrophe of 9/11. I'm quoting one sensible commenter since he seems to get it rigbt:
...There are plenty of reasons to show how the Clinton adminstration delinquence helped Al Qaeda continue to practice attacking the United States and plan 9/11.

- The 9/11 commission details 4 distinct opportunities to kill or capture Osama Bin Laden. The Clinton administration blocked each of these opportunities.

- Jamie Gorelick's "wall" was dangerously excessive and unneccessary and actually prevented the CIA and FBI from communicating terrorism information.

- The "Able Danger" project pinpointed 4 of the 9/11 terrorists years before 9/11. The clinton administration took excessive measures to prevent these terrorists from being arrested, citing "civil rights protections".

- Sandy Berger pleaded guilty to stealing and destroying classified documents from the most secure government documentation storage location in Washington. What did he steal? What is he hiding?

The clinton thugs will continue to threated retaliation against any organization that will highlight their failure to protect the American people as Al Qaeda planned the 9/11 attack on Clinton's watch, attacked the United States regularly and frequently - each with growing sophistication, and cumulating on 9/11 early into the Bush administrations first year in office.

Since this is an ultra-left blogspot, the anonymous comment above was flamed by froth-at-the-mouth Orcs spewing gibberish and mis-spelled obscene trash-talk.

Sandy "Fawn Hall" Berger must have trashed the "eyes-only" docs [with his personal comments on the margins] he sneaked out of the National Archives. Why would he commit a felony unless it was to cover up his criminal malfeasance in allowing Bin Laden to go free, which the mini-series portrays metaphorically which outlining his moral cowardice at the same time.

Wonder if there are back-up docs which have his scribbled notes on the margins somewhere in the Archives?

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