Thursday, September 07, 2006

Canada Poll Waves White Flag on GWOT

Canadians blame the US more than any other cause for 9/11. The mass-psychosis north of our border continues to grow, particularly in Quebec, where the French surrender-gene predominates.

By the same token, these clear-thinking Cartesians would blame Spain for the Madrid train massacre. And the UK for the 7/7 attacks. And the Germans for the [failed] train attacks thwarted just last month and hushed up immediately by the MSM. And Indonesia for the Bali terrorist mass murders. And India for the Mumbai train massacre earlier this year.

It would have little to do with a fanatic froth-at-the-mouth branch of Islam that actively recruits Canadian citizens to commit mass murder and mayhem. That would strain the Canadian smug self-absorbed Pollyanna view of itself and the roseate hues of the prism it views others. The U.S. has a swath of mindless Canada-ness called the Left Coast, so this chronic cowardice may be catching.

And of course, the giant minds to the north would logically blame Canada for the plot by "23 normal average Canadians" a couple of months ago to blow up National Police HQ and some Ottawa govt. buildings. The article contains this laff-riot:
"There are a lot of people who think we should be listening closely [to extremist groups] and that there is an opportunity to dialogue with these sort of groups."

At least one country nearby appears to have a greater death wish than American liberals.

You'll remember that the lib-lefty dunces, led by the ever pliant Jimmy Carter who let the North Koreans convince him [and his gullible Clinton pilot fish] that they would cease working on nukes in the mid-90s, if the US would pay NK enough money. Of course, several billion dollars later North Korea has the bomb, probably purchased in part with Jimmy's gift money! So the USA has a few fools, but Canada appears to have approached a majority in the imbecilic-denial department.

At least it was useful in the Cold War, but now this porous kumbayeh country allows Muslims, both homegrown and imported, to threaten our northern border. Better to treat Canada as an unwitting threat.

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