Friday, September 08, 2006

NYT Approves ABC Movie; Dems Attack Free Speech

Girlie-man Reid of Nevada and his arm-waving Arianna shriekers Boxer & Company attack free speech and the First Amendment, except when it suits their purposes like with the scurrilous fact-free Michael Moore hallucinations in Fahrenheit 911.

Last Saturday I predicted that
...the ABC mini-series, if it withstands the onslaughts of the Clintonista mafia, will demonstrate how the first WTC bombing in '93, the Bojinka plane plot in '95, the twin embassy bombings in '98, and the bombing of the Cole in 2000 all failed to stir the Clinton Administration out of its kumbayeh lethargy vis-a-vis the Al-Qaeda threat. And the huge question remains why in '96 did the Clintonistas pass up the Sudanese offer of delivering Osama to the US on a platter. I believe history written by true historians will show that the over-lawyered Dems didn't want the legal hassles---obviously in hindsight the Clinton priorities were totally parochial---and hoped the Saudis would take care of Bin Laden, who scampered off to Afghanistan as soon as the opportunity arose.

Behold some of the FACTS that the Clinton squads and girlie-men Dems in the Senate want to suppress---like their Bolshevik ancestors they wish to airbrush out faces and redact historical facts that don't support their parallel-reality history of the '90s. I also noted:
We can thank Clinton and his Reno/Gorelick-led DOJ for "orders that made it harder to share information among intelligence and law enforcement agencies" and hyper-legalistic requirements putting firewalls between various Govt. Departments. Pre-emptive detection such as the Able Danger project faced numerous obstacles in the over-lawyered environment the Clintons engendered.

The 9/11 Commission only glanced at a lot of the systemic hyper-lawyered Gordian-knot bureaucratics that the Clintonista legalists had tortuously woven to keep the old Bolshie fear of having privacy invaded. J Edgar is alive and well in these superannuated activists' nightmares. Knee-jerk liberal reactions to privacy concerns trumped national security for these Gorelick types---Gorelick was actually on the Commission, along with Ben-Veniste, which is putting the devil's advocate entirely in charge of sanctification proceedings. Gorelick was part of the original problem in apprehending terrorists, and Ashcroft was right to demand her removal on grounds of conflict of interest.

But such conflicts of interest don't bother Dems, as we have recently seen in the case of Michigan Judge Diggs. Nor do Freedom of Speech issues, for the Democratic Leadership of the US Senate, bathing in hypocrisy as soprano Harry Reid threatens ABC with legal problems. High-handed is okay for the MSM as long as it's the Democrats shaking their fists and pointing fingers [or in Arianna's case, waving arms and shrieking]. I finish the piece thus:
We'll see if the Clintonista nomenklatura can scare or persuade the ABC Disney front office into last minute revisions.
But pundits like Glenn Reynolds and Hugh Hewitt are already in possession of the full six-hour final cut and, if last-minute air-brushing does ensue, these folks can make the "objectionable" cutting-room floor clips available to YouTube and other on-line sites.

Free Speech and the First Amendment are not to be trifled with, even by girlie-men and their female cohorts.

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