Tuesday, September 19, 2006

UN Anti-Israeli Nabobs Orate

UN Poobahs call Israel's cluster bombing of South Lebanon "outrageous." The supercilious self-righteous hypocrites Engelund and Shearer can huff and puff all they want, to get brownie points from the terrorist claque. That is what the UN does.

Israel did not bomb the central power station of Beirut, which would have taken years and billions of dollars to rebuild.

These grandstanding empty suits at Turtle Bay can posture and orate on behalf of their kidnapping buddies, but nobody in their right mind [admittedly a small minority at the UN] takes them seriously.

1 comment :

Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

A pleasure to find you...via Fl Masochist...I blog from Boca as well.