Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Lawyers and Rules of Engagement Handcuff Fight Against Terrorism

The New York Post has a story which would never pass muster at the newsless editorial-packed New York Times. The opportunity in Afghanistan to blow away Taliban leaders was missed because of hyper-lawyered bureaucratic fudge-packing. Anyone who watched Path to 9/11 will shudder at this sentence:
Military experts told The Post that rules of engagement are constantly adjusted on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq, depending on the severity of the threat posed by the enemy.

Yes, if we make nice, maybe they won't blow us up with IEDs the next chance they get. What kind of horsefeathers are these lawyerly soldiers up to anyhow?

If the Democrats get back into power, you can bet another trade lawyer like Sandy Berger will get the NSC job. You know, lawyers are liars and most lawyers are Democrats.

The syllogism fits perfectly.

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