Wednesday, September 13, 2006

New York Times: Lies and More Lies and Canards and Distortions

Christopher Hitchens slaps down two of the top prevaricators on the NYT Op-Ed agitpreppie education project. The subject at hand is pushed forward by the deformed death-cage tag-team of disinformation Krugboy and Rich. The context is kind of hilarious:
Shortly after the assault of Sept. 11, a buffoonish Republican congressman from Louisiana named John Cooksey—incredibly enough, a member of the Committee on International Relations—had made the following contribution to the debate on ethnic profiling:

If I see someone come in and he's got a diaper on his head and a fan belt around that diaper on his head, that guy needs to be pulled over and checked.

This had provoked anguish in the Sikh community (though I remember my friend Hussein Ibish, then of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, saying that he refused to protest on the grounds that the remark was at least funny). Ari Fleischer was duly asked about the congressman at the briefing on Sept. 26 and responded as follows:

Read the link above for the full backing and forthing. The gist is that WH Press Chief Fleischer rebuked Cooksey for insensitivity along with motor-mouth Maher who had done his stuck-on-stupid routine, which brain-dead lefties snort up like coke, the nite before on HBO, gratuitously insulting the 9-11 victims. Ari gently reminded Americans to watch what they say. The twin Bolshies took that as a HUAC threat and whinged non-stop, dining out in their plagiaristic inaccurate way for years in their thankfully unread firewalled NYT blather-hole.

Hitchens, whose formidable powers of polemics pulls down their diapers and spanks the two unevolved losers in Slate, is as always readable. His mastery of fact and nuance always disgraces the discredited jackanapes Krugman and Rich without breaking a sweat. But the Scion of the Times, Pinch Harleyberger, keeps on entertaining the Upper West Side with their antics.

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