Monday, September 25, 2006

Falling Gas Prices: Bush's Fault & It's a Conspiracy!

Wall Street Journal provides the commentary
to this link, which demonstrates that Bush's omnipotence and guile extends to preventing hurricanes this season to keep gas prices low [You just cannot make this up, must be the rabid left looning]. Here is the WSJ Taranto take on the gas-price situation under the headline A Conspiracy So Vast:
"A USA Today/Gallup poll conducted last weekend found that 42 percent of the roughly 1,000 adults surveyed nationwide said they believed the Bush administration had 'deliberately manipulated the price of gasoline so that it would decrease before this fall's elections,' " the New York Times reports:

Tangible reasons cited for the dip in prices include the end of the Israeli-Hezbollah war, which had raised tensions across the Middle East. Also, forecasts of a severe hurricane season that could disrupt oil supplies from the Gulf of Mexico have not, so far, panned out.

So in an election year, the Bush administration is able to stop hurricanes. We guess the president likes winning even more than he hates black people. Of course, the New York Times might have anticipated that, as the Associated Press notes, "cooler ocean temperatures" this year would lead to fewer hurricanes and thus cheaper gasoline. But instead they suppressed this news! Can there be any doubt that the Times's editors are taking orders from Karl Rove himself?

Yes, that's the ticket. The NYT is actually a secret Republican mole undermining the Dem positions with lunatic left editorials and absurd Op-Eds and totally biased stories.

Makes sense to me!

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