HotAir has Ed Morrissey's story on the ridiculous violence a couple of thugs from the Tarik ibn Zayad Academy, with an acronym of "TIZA," inflicted on a visiting TV crew. A dictionary of Syrian Arabic will tell you that "tiza" in street slang is the Arabic word for "c**k" or "pr**k." I checked with a couple of Arab friends of mine living in the Middle East----one of them responded who had actually supervised two Muslim schools in the DC area and he sided with the school's need for privacy!! But this former Ambassador admitted that no Arab School would be stupid enough to ever allow others to use the acronym TIZA. He guessed it was being run by Pakistanis!
[Alert: boring etymological break]Those with a passing knowledge of Arabic who possess Hans Wehr's immense
A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic will find on page 389 for those with Wehr's 1110-page compendium of Modern Written Arabic the classic word
tazaayud meaning [gradual] increase, increment, growth. Closely related is the noun
tazayyud meaning exaggeration [in reporting] one's own embellishments or additions, fables, yarns. From these two classical usages, the slang word "tiza" is derived, a tumescent male sexual organ with the vulgar denotation of "pr**k" or any number of other words vulgarly denoting the male sexual organ. Of course on the streets of Damascus, one can occasionally hear "tikram tizi" = honor my c**k, which is shorthand for "suck my c**k." Same-old same-o in Beirut, where I studied Levantine & Modern Written Arabic. Now that you know more than you ever wanted about street Arab slang, some questions do arise.
Maybe the dolts who run the school are Pakis? Or at least very stupid? Like the bleating local reporters now petitioning to punish the Red Star Trib reporter who broke the story for daring to investigate a case of naive publicly-funded multiculturalism gone very wrong? Or the state school sup who wants to punish the press for daring to expose her own malfeasance and utter ingenuous gullibility?
The school is financed by the MN taxpayers, but accountability doesn't seem part of the package when the school neglects to fly the American flag and a teacher reports that Muslim religious classes are being taught in a publicly-funded school. Transparency doesn't work in Minnesota administrative processes, especially educational institutions. The Teachers' Unions might be offended!
I guess being so close to Canada, MN has a watered-down First Amendment. Or maybe they consider themselves under the jurisdiction of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, itself a northern extension of Cuba's political commissars? Ms. Greiling, the state superintendent, should be interrogated by the State House or Senate for irregularities at the school. But having lived four years in Hennepin County and knowing the ways of them Wobegon folks, I know that ain't gonna happen. A nanny-state wannabe, Minnesota would be happy to join EUtopia, I would guess, if the opportunity ever presented itself.
I for one think Tom Pawlenty should do something besides suck his thumb during this complete mess-up. My guess is the bureaucrats run Minnesota, a la Brussels.
But the prize for complete inappropriate behavior goes to the thugs guarding the school. Their behavior with the TV crew certainly proved that at least in The Star of the North, government by unaccountable functionaries and judges appears to be the law of the land.
HotAir has Ed Morrissey's story on the ridiculous violence a couple of thugs from the Tarik ibn Zayad Academy, with an acronym of "TIZA," inflicted on a visiting TV crew. A dictionary of Syrian Arabic will tell you that "tiza" in street slang is the Arabic word for "c**k" or "pr**k." I checked with a couple of Arab friends of mine living in the Middle East----one of them responded who had actually supervised two Muslim schools in the DC area and he sided with the school's need for privacy!! But this former Ambassador admitted that no Arab School would be stupid enough to ever allow others to use the acronym TIZA. He guessed it was being run by Pakistanis!
[Alert: boring etymological break]Those with a passing knowledge of Arabic who possess Hans Wehr's immense
A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic will find on page 389 for those with Wehr's 1110-page compendium of Modern Written Arabic the classic word
tazaayud meaning [gradual] increase, increment, growth. Closely related is the noun
tazayyud meaning exaggeration [in reporting] one's own embellishments or additions, fables, yarns. From these two classical usages, the slang word "tiza" is derived, a tumescent male sexual organ with the vulgar denotation of "pr**k" or any number of other words vulgarly denoting the male sexual organ. Of course on the streets of Damascus, one can occasionally hear "tikram tizi" = honor my c**k, which is shorthand for "suck my c**k." Same-old same-o in Beirut, where I studied Levantine & Modern Written Arabic. Now that you know more than you ever wanted about street Arab slang, some questions do arise.
Maybe the dolts who run the school are Pakis? Or at least very stupid? Like the bleating local reporters now petitioning to punish the Red Star Trib reporter who broke the story for daring to investigate a case of naive publicly-funded multiculturalism gone very wrong? Or the state school sup who wants to punish the press for daring to expose her own malfeasance and utter ingenuous gullibility?
The school is financed by the MN taxpayers, but accountability doesn't seem part of the package when the school neglects to fly the American flag and a teacher reports that Muslim religious classes are being taught in a publicly-funded school. Transparency doesn't work in Minnesota administrative processes, especially educational institutions. The Teachers' Unions might be offended!
I guess being so close to Canada, MN has a watered-down First Amendment. Or maybe they consider themselves under the jurisdiction of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, itself a northern extension of Cuba's political commissars? Ms. Greiling, the state superintendent, should be interrogated by the State House or Senate for irregularities at the school. But having lived four years in Hennepin County and knowing the ways of them Wobegon folks, I know that ain't gonna happen. A nanny-state wannabe, Minnesota would be happy to join EUtopia, I would guess, if the opportunity ever presented itself.
I for one think Tom Pawlenty should do something besides suck his thumb during this complete mess-up. My guess is the bureaucrats run Minnesota, a la Brussels.
But the prize for complete inappropriate behavior goes to the thugs guarding the school. Their behavior with the TV crew certainly proved that at least in The Star of the North, government by unaccountable functionaries and judges appears to be the law of the land.