Friday, September 01, 2006

Fox Agrees to Guard Hen House: Secular Blasphemy

Secular Blasphemy has the correct metaphor to describe Kofi Annan's wide-eyed announcement that Syria has agreed to cooperate with the UN to keep arms from getting to Hezbollah "where possible."

Of course, Annan has found it impossible to enforce UNSC Res 1559 and has demonstrated on every occasion possible how much he favors the Arabs against the Israelis in every possible context. But why should that pose problems?

UNIFIL has broadcast IDF positions and served as human shields for Hezbo rocketeers, who then drive away to leave UN "peacekeepers" to face the music seconds later as the drones pound the rocket launch pad---maybe that excites the vertically-challenged UN SecGen's admiration.

Now he's in Iran to cringe and simper on how great it would be if Iran and the UN could "just talk about Iran's flouting the IAEA and UN SC resolutions calling for sanctions. Maybe Kofi could get his son a consulting contract with Iran?

Elsewhere, Charles Krauthammer voices a few "inconvenient truths" about dyn/content/article/2006/08/31/AR2006083101444.html">Hezbollah's "victory" which even Nasrullah admits he would have foresworn had he seen the consequences of starting such a "victorious" war. Hezbo is now cornered in Lebanon, with even the egregious Michel Aoun calling for its disarmament, and this human political weathervane reflects deep anger inside Lebanon against Hezbo. And as CK points out, the Israelis only blew up Hezbo TV towers, not the $1 billion power grid that Israel will blow up the next time the Lebanese fail to keep the 20% voting bloc Hezbo in line.

The usual western media hookers, led by the BBC and anti-Israeli NYT, march lockstep to the delusion that Hezbo scored a gigantic victory.

However, anyone who knows the Middle East knows that boots on the ground beat media hype ten times out of ten, and now the boots are UN and Lebanese Army south of the Litani.

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