Thursday, November 30, 2006

UN Success in Congo: Does a Swallow Make a Spring?

Peter Beinart has a piece in the New Republic extolling the UN's peacekeeping activities in the Congo, while eliding over the UN rapes and atrocities committed next door in Brazzaville.

Oh yeah, Peter talked about Rwanda without mentioning the passive complicity of present UN SecGen, the oafish Kofi Annan. This stooge got a Nobel Peace Prize for allowing a genocide of nearly a million people. And El-Baradei got one last year for allowing Iran to skirt the IAEA rules and still lobbies Condi Rice, a soft touch on the matter, to let Iran break the Nuke Proliferation Agreement.

This is the UN that Beinart wants the US to spend more money on, because they oversaw an election in Africa which, just parenthetically, has not been successful. [The opposition leader still keeps his militia at the ready to contest any attempt to run the country.]

This reminds me of the supremely oafish Jimmy Carter, who pranced into Ethiopia last year and after a day of looking around, declared everything kosher and the elections valid. Of course, professional monitors winced as the super-bantamweight Plains preacher-boy departed and dozens of people were killed in post-electoral chaos. That's not my department, said Jimmy [Werner von Braun] Carter.

The bogus fakery and posing of TNR on the UN reminds one of a fashion runway. The US ought to keep Bolton Ambassador and clean out the sewage generated by planeloads of finger-wagging UN desk-jockeys subsisting lavishly on a VIP dole.

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