Thursday, November 30, 2006

Illegal Aliens on Murder, Crime Sprees

Lou Dobbs undergoes a hit piece in the current New Yorker by iconic Secular-Progressive Commissar Ken Auletta, largely for adopting a "populist" stance on illegal aliens' pervasive presence in the US spreads from border regions to the entire country as a whole.

And the story above concerning Rep Steve King of Iowa's research into Illegal Alien Murders supports a lot of the local news down here in South Florida, where drug wars are starting to proliferate as murderous Mexicans fight over turf.

The only good thing about the murder rate, above the death rates from Iraq and Afghanistan for US troops, is that a lot of the murders are of illegal aliens by illegal aliens. But many law-abiding American citizens are killed by illegal aliens, and more by drunk drivers who are illegals driving without valid licenses.

My house was robbed recently by some Jamaican illegals, who also broke into a house down the block. Of course, the Palm Beach DA cannot be bothered with the cases, as he is much more concerned with Rush Limbaugh's prescription violations. The PC runs the constabulary down here in Florida, and no local dead-tree press or TV news outlets like to dwell on the high percentage of illegals involved in murder, robberies, and car crashes.

I hope this story gets picked up by Dobbs and Buchanan and even the increasingly gun-shy O'Reilly, who is starting to mince and prance in a PC fashion in order to pick up more viewers and sell more books.

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