Friday, November 24, 2006

Chinese Takeout

Chinese organ "donations" are one of the single biggest travesties in a world dedicated to hating the US and bashing Bush while Putin poisons his enemies, Assad kills Christian Lebanese politicos in a serial fashion, and Mugabe beggars his entire country while Darfur goes from one level of genocide to the next.

But of course, the BBC treads very lightly on these matters, which must be gleaned from more straightforward members of the Euro-press, which bashes the US because it knows, in its craven cowardly spineless fashion, that Bush won't retaliate as Putin might and Mugabe already has by banning the BBC from Zimbabwe, despite its kowtowing and ring-kissing of the Brit-educated tyrant.

So it was with a bit of surprise that I saw the picture worth 10,000 words, roughly the number of Chinese "criminals" executed last year, in the BBC link above. The assembly-line murder and looting of the very bodies of the prisoners reminds one of the Auschwitz dental crews prying gold from the teeth of gypsies and Jews and homosexuals.

Of course, that would be judgemental and possibly hurt BBC interests in China, so the text is laughably two-handed and easy on the murderous tyrants in Beijing.

Even Nancy Pelosi condemns the Chinese for its crimes against humanity, but the BBC is far to the left of Nancy and her SF peanut gallery.

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