Friday, November 10, 2006

Blankley Coins an Immortal Line; Vargas Revealed

Monday Afternoon Recap:

Best Line of the Friday Night Follies:

Tony Blankley on McLaughlin Group when he said: "The Republicans have gone from the party of Goldwater, Reagan, and Gingrich to the party of GWB, Frist, and Hastert. That is not evolution, that is called devolution.

Here is one of the reasons Vargas should be co-anchoring with Charlie Gibson and Bob Woodruff on ABC-Evening News. She's smarter and cuter than Couric, but Katie is a die-hard leftie, so she got the job at CBS.

1 comment :

Glaivester said...

That is not evolution, that is called devolution.

They say that we, have lost our tails/evolving up, from little snails/I say it's all, just wind in sails/ARE WE NOT MEN?/WE ARE DEVO!