Tuesday, November 14, 2006

DNC Quaking at Prospect of Giuliani Run

Rudy Giuliani draws large poll numbers across the country and across the board. John McCain and Giuliani would be a dream team, if one of these two egomaniacs could be persuaded to take the VP slot on the 2008 Republican ticket.

Despite his leftist takes on many social issues, I like his support of school vouchers as this product of parochial schools does the right thing to enable kids to escape dead-end public education, over-funded and under-delivering because of huge administrative costs and regressive union policies.

And this veteran of 9/11 will not flake out like the Democrats consistently do concerning national security. The only problem I have with Rudy is that Chris Mathews is so high on him! Probably that parochial school old-boy network!

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I really think McCain is toast regarding 2008: He morphed from a 'Straight Talking' moderate independent, to a Jerry Falwell, intelligent design supporting right winger seemingly overnight. And he wants Americans to "Just trust me" regarding sending tens of thousands of extra troops into Iraq? Maybe the 1999 John McCain, not version 2.0...
