Sunday, November 19, 2006

Tony Romo Baptized by my Uncle?

Tony Romo has blossomed, or is beginning to, into a good NFL Q-back. My wife remembers Burlington, Wisconsin, Tony's home town, very well as she got a traffic ticket there while driving to a Thanksgiving family reunion about 24 years ago. She was working for Norman Lear in Chicago at the time and People For the American Way, so she was possibly being punished for her sins. My uncle was the parish priest in a parish in Burlington, and if Romo is Catholic, he may have been baptized by Fr. Bill Knoernschild.

Don't know how good a quarterback Tony will be, but he is already big in the tabloids for dating Jessica Simpson, who's been seen on his arm around Dallas since he became starting QB.

Time for the second half against unbeaten Indianapolis. Today's the day Tony can make his mark. The Colts lead Dallas 7-0.

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