Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hoyer Wins

Irascible Jack Murtha disappointed many Repubs by losing his race to be House Majority Leader. It would have been great to have a dolt who called an Ethics Bill now before the House "crap" as the poster-boy spokesman for Democrat values. Just play the Abscam tape again and again and wonder if this nutroot favorite has changed his stripes [which should have been prison stripes, had Tip O'Neill not pulled fellow-Irish crook Murtha's chestnuts out of the fire].

Hoyer is a decent, honest individual, not like the most rabid supporters of Pelosi and Murtha. But he lost my respect a bit when he called Nancy P a "keen intellect."

Yeah, if you compute brainpower by using SF values. But a chimp qualifies if that is the criterion.

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