Sunday, September 02, 2012

NYT Notes "Huge Crowds" in Cincinnati for Romney; also "No Bounce for Romney from Convention

The schizophrenic New York Times should get its right brain and its left brain in synch. The link above by a reporter on the spot in Cincinnati reports "huge" crowds and Paul Ryan attends the Miami of Ohio-OSU game in Columbus at the Shoe. At the same time, a supercilious snarky Nate Silver bulletin from the DNC says the Romney bounce from the Convention was "middling." We report, you decide.


BTW, Rasmussen reports that Romney's bounce NATIONALLY was 6% points. I'll bet Owebama is emitting his most voluminous product from his most productive orifice---that brown nightsoil humans do so naturally.

And so much for Nate Silver and the terminally tabloid New York Times---they're still touting Occupy Wall Street as if it were not an astro-turf Demonrat campaign ploy!

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