Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Matthews Claims to Live in All-Black DC---Bald-faced Lie

The Daily Caller debunks Tingles claim to live in all-black DC. And below, to put into context the DNC near-lie that more whites are on welfare than blacks:

U.S. Population Data 308.7 million people
White 72.4% 223.5 million people
Black 12.6% 38.9 million people

Estimated Population receiving welfare 37 million
Whites on welfare 14.4 million
Blacks on welfare 13.8 million
Percent of total whites on welfare 6.4%
Percent of total blacks on welfare 35.4

Also put to the lie is that by 2020 non-whites will outnumber whites. Even if the non-whites reproduce like sewer rats, they will still lag as a minority in eight years.

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