Friday, July 14, 2006

Perhaps the Righty NeoCons Had a Point?

Kevin Drum appears to have noticed that the two branches of Shi'ite Islam [Alawite in Syria and Shi'ite in Iran] may possibly be working in more or less unison to attack Israel and distract the UN from pursuing the Hariri assassination and Iran's sprint to nuclear capability.

Kevin says he would never believe Krauthammer and Kristol, but now that Ignatius and Baer point out the overwhelming evidence [to the clear-sighted and clear-minded] that the meeting in January in Damascus attended by Ibn Mugniyah as well as Boy Assad and Ahmedinejad might actually have spawned the double-punch abductions, Kevin might be willing to consider that the pessimist Cassandras in America are worthy of a hearing.

My own slight [five years living there after learning to speak and read Arabic] experience with the Muddled East is that those who really understand the blight that is Islamic political-culture also understand that there are no negotiations with the likes of Hamas and Hezbollah, nor with Assad or Ahmedinejad. These "political actors" are atavistic autocrats who may have been elected, but whose entire education has been to hate and oppose the status quo.

Of course, silly soft-minded multiculturalists who have the UN peacekeeping model as a desired solution overlook the fact that Hezbollah has ignored the disarmament provisions of UNSC 1559, and will ignore every other peaceful international demarche as a sign of weakness and vacillation---which as far as the UN is concerned, is the correct analysis of UN effectiveness.

The one and only motivation these international criminals---Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran----understand is the application of overwhelming force, delivered to their doorsteps in Damascus and Tehran where the conspiracies are engendered and sustaines.

Damascus and Tehran should have their airports shut down by force as a FIRST WARNING. Let the G-8 and International Peanut Gallery whinge and whine. Then appropriate steps should be taken until the threat to Israel diminishes.

The EU and the Third World are a collection of feckless, feminized losers and their role in this process---unless we include stand-up countries like the UK---should be minimized. This Bastille Day, the revolting collection of terrorists in the Levant and Tehran should be put on notice that every weapon in the West's arsenal will be used to eliminate their threat to our way of life.

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