Monday, July 17, 2006

Dem Attempts to Politicize MidEast Events

The hapless Dems are thrashing about trying to gain traction on the slippery concept that it is somehow BUSH's FAULT that Hamas and Hezbollah are now rocketing and being bombed by air and bombarded by land and sea with Israeli munitions.

Howard Dean's farcical gesticulations accompany empty statements that the Dems wouldn't have let this happen. Just as they did let 9/11 happen by overlawyering our entire national security apparatus so overwhelmingly that judges had to agree before the CIA could hit a terrorist target in Yemen? Or extradite ObL from Sudan? Or get Jamie Gorelick to sign off on cooperation between the CIA and FBI?

As Powerline points out in the link above, the Dems were clueless on Korea, when the feckless Jimmy Carter inserted himself into US foreign policy by visiting Pyongyang and assuring everyone of Kim Jung-Il's compliant nature. Four billion dollars later, the US has been snookered and NKorea has nukes and delivery systems. That's Billy Jeff's foreign policy success #1. And how about that two-state solution Billy Jeff engineered with Barak and Arafat----oops, many a slip twixt the cup and the lip!

Jane Harman explains it all! Syria and Iran's foreign policy goals are depraved on account of they're deprived---of US diplomatic coddling! If only Jimmy or Billy Jeff had been able to smooth-talk them into a brotherly attitude toward Israel!?! Or some other Dem with good intentions could have talked Osama out of attacking the WTC, on account of they want to hold hands and sing kumbayeh! Powerline points out:
Under President Clinton, the Dems attempted to push Israel into making territorial concessions. Indeed, the concession that led to Hezbollah's ability to strike deep into Israeli terrority with missiles and that emboldened Hezbollah to start a war with Israel(Israel's pull-out from Lebanon) occurred during the Clinton administration. This doesn't mean that the Democrats are to blame for the war.

But the Dems claim the Repubs are to blame cuz it's on GWB's watch. Powerline again:
First, Israel had the option of not making territorial concessions. Second, the Bush administration too has encouraged Israel to "take risks for peace" -- our policy towards Israel contains bipartisan flaws. Third, the blame in any case resides with Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran, not the U.S. But the fact remains that Clinton's policies for preventing war were profoundly misguided in ways that are material to the current crisis. Under these circumstances, it is disgraceful for the Dems to blame the war on President Bush.

Remember, though, this is the party that brokered the deal that enabled North Korea to obtain nuclear weapons, yet now blames that regime's nuclear status on President Bush. In terms of the style of its propaganda, this is a party in which Joseph Goebbels would feel at home.

How cruel! But strangely appropriate.

The USSR crumbled and collapsed during the twelve-year Golden Era of Reagan/Bush#41, but the Democrats and International Left insist that Reagan had nothing to do with that event! But if it's bad, it's Bush#43's fault, no matter where it happens.

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