Sunday, July 30, 2006

LATimes: Attack on Seattle Jewish Center "Mystery"

Patterico pontificates well on the Los Angeles Times' conjectures and musings on the mystery inside the enigma of the Seattle shootings.

The MSM bastions of PC want to pin it down to "hatred of women," apparently in one of the LAT paragraphs, even though the culprit kept saying, "I want kill Jews because of Iraq and Lebanon." Or words to that effect. The coincidence that all the victims were female obviously is more important than the stated purpose and the venue of the shootings, a Jewish Community Center.

At least to the brain-impaired pretzel-backbones at the LAT.

It's a bit like the Toronto police statement that the 23 culprits arrested in the plot to blow up Toronto were "typical Canadian citizens."
[Except coincidentally most of them had the surname "Mohammed," that not-so-typical Canadian moniker, and by another coincidence, all were of the same religion; can you guess which one?]

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