Sunday, July 30, 2006

BB"C" No Evil---Nor Hear Same, but Speak Trash

The BBC's Evening News segment available on American public TV is atrociously produced with frequent glitches and technical mess-ups, but often has perspectives from obscure parts of the planet American TV never explores. Given its POV in its Middle East coverage, one has to wonder about the accuracy of those places less familiar to the American viewer.

The Beeb's body-language and tone on the events in Lebanon each night betray a very strong penchant for Hezbollah and Hamas, and the Wall Street Journal points out that their on-line news does the same.

The Beeb's take on Lebanon [I used to listen to BBC news from Cyprus while living in Beirut long ago before the BBC went bat-shit Bolshie] consistently shows the physical destruction of South Lebanon with frequent references to Hezbollah as some sort of local Red Crescent which helps the victims of the open warfare, not as the protaganist and precipitator of events.

The coverage is so one-sided that even a liberal contrarian like Neil Gabler on the Fox News Media Show Saturday evening at 6:30PM noted the lack of objectivity. And Neil's standard for "objectivity" is far to the left of most observers.

The BBC is making a big push into the US news market, and perhaps believes it is offering an alternative to the pro-Israeli coverage on Fox and CNN [and whoever watches MSNBC] as well as the major networks. Or perhaps is pandering to the large Muslim minorities dwelling in the UK's major cities.

But the moral equivalence the BBC displays toward the two contenders, one of which fires rockets from hide-outs in Lebanese population centers toward Israeli cities to provoke civilian casualties [a major crime not mentioned by the Beeb] and the other using relative discrimination [also not observed by the journalists from the UK in general] is simply unconscionable.

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