Thursday, June 01, 2006

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old......

There is a fundamental lack of something essential that keeps liberals from being taken seriously---gravitas. How can you maintain a dialogue with people who don't believe in borders or legal constraints or the use of force or a number of things that most adults simply chalk up as having common sense?

It is clear from the James Taranto piece attached that sublunar tendencies abound on the Peter Pan wannabe fringe---those people who believe that growing up is a crime against nature and growing old must be avoided at all costs. Taranto has a long quote from the aptly-named CBS maven Dotty, who employs liberal mantra-word "passionate," but wisely eschews "feisty & vibrant," two other soft-lefty code words that what you are hearing/reading is pure unadulterated hooey.

Then Taranto quotes another empty-minded MSM leftist cant-machine, Pinch Sulzberger:
"we entered the real world committed to making it a better, safer, cleaner, more equal place. We were determined not to repeat the mistakes of our predecessors. We had seen the horrors and futility of war and smelled the stench of corruption in government. Our children, we vowed, would never know that. So, well, sorry. It wasn't supposed to be this way."

Deconstruction of this self-referential autism by Taranto:
"This wonderfully encapsulates several elements of the liberal baby-boomer mindset. First, the self-congratulation: "My fellow students and I had just ended the war in Vietnam and ousted President Nixon." Even Sulzberger, however, is self-aware enough to present this with some irony: "OK, that's not quite true. . . . Maybe there were larger forces at play."

Then, the perversity of reveling in tragedy. To most Americans, the retreat from Vietnam and the resignation of Nixon were at best necessary evils; but to the liberal baby boomer they were, and at least to Sulzberger they remain, points of pride. The baleful consequences of Vietnam and Watergate--boat people, the Khmer Rouge's massacres, the presidency of Jimmy Carter, the impeachment of Bill Clinton--go unmentioned in Sulzberger's speech.

The liberal love of getting high on sniffing its own flatulence must have been derived from the French gene ["Nous nous felicitons...yadda, yadda"]prevalent in leftist cant. The Gotterdaemmerung streak perhaps from Nietzsche? Taranto concludes:
Baby-boomer liberalism, with its smug sense of moral superiority and its impatience with America's imperfections, is today the prevailing worldview among many of our elite institutions, not least the so-called mainstream media.

Actually, "impatience with America's imperfections" should be part of the Boy Scout oath or the Pledge of Allegiance---Apple pie ala mode sort of Americana-central material.

The dripping condescension and complete certainty that one knows better:
MAINSTREAM LIBERAL LEFT standard operational mode. Throw in a few vulgarities, scatological references. grammatical errors, and obscenities and you have a standard ultra-left blog!

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