Friday, June 16, 2006

Annals of the Downfall of the NYT

InOpinion has a response to the Tom Friedman op-ed response to GM's response to Friedman's original op-ed [pay-per-view] piece excoriating GM last week. Only trouble was, the NYT REFUSED TO PRINT GM'S REPLY TO FRIEDMAN'S FIRST ARTICLE!

Although many letters were printed in praise of Friedman's over-the-top [as TF later admitted] swipe at GM, Gail Collins at the Editor's Desk thought that GM's castigating Friedman as "rubbish" was too harsh for the NYT's gentle readership!

Pinch Sulzberger appears to be leading his family heirloom down the primrose path to becoming just another inconsequential tabloid whose editorials peek out between the lines of almost every "straight news" story above the fold on the front page. The editorial page itself has become a shoutfest for closing Guantanamo, just as Howell Raines shouted for women at Augusta for the Masters' Tournament.

The difference now between the NYT and the NY Post is orientation, not quality.

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