Monday, June 12, 2006

Clinton Joins Gorebot In LooneyTune Land

The ineffable insufferable ["BJs are not sex"] BS-machine fraud who calls himselfBilly Jeff Clyntoon told a gullible audience of Democrats in Florida:
"It is now generally recognized that while Al Gore and I were ridiculed, we were right about global warming," Clinton said at a fundraiser for the Florida Democratic Party. "It's a serious problem. It's going to lead to more hurricanes."

Yep, the Senate rejected Kyoto 95-0 under Clyntoon's leadership, while he was being impeached for not being able to control his sexual urges, and IT'S ALL BUSH'S FAULT when Florida suffers a rash of hurricanes a few years later.

And many highly reputable scientists do not support the global-warming scenario that Gore is foisting on a gullible stupid Democratic rabble [the smart Dems stay away from demagogic crap, but the Kossacks are as dumb and dishonest as their fan clubs].

And actually, as more fresh water melted from polar icecaps hits the North Atlantic, the conveyor from the South Atlantic will not push warm water as far north, and the cycle of mini-Ice Ages interspersed with mini-Warming Trends will continue, no matter what a couple of leftist blowhards blowing hot air and flying in private jets [Clinton and his "bachelor-buddy" Burkle polluting the skies in Burkle's jets] spew in front of civility-challenged Democrats.

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