Thursday, June 29, 2006

NYT Raps Puffington Host For Purging Rost

I had overlooked this attempt at truthiness by the NYT until a deliriously delusional Robert Ailes called for Bill Keller's defenestration.

Crime? Abandoning lockstep liberalism to promote freedom of speech! Walter Duranty is spinning in his fiery cubicle in hell's lowest neighborhood, while Yusuf Vissarionovitch roasts nearby.

Desperately-seeking-attention hyper-socialite ex-rightist Puffington did her best Baba Wawa imitation while avoiding Jeff Jarvis's full opprobrium, because even if the Greek arm-wavers' motives were despicable and her ethics way below the LA Times [who exited a reporter pseudo-anonymously posting on sites], she at least was transparent, unlike the plagiaristic fake-blog from George Clooney she fraudulently pasted together last month.

Arianna may be a Bi-yotch, but she is an Exempt-Liberal Bi-yotch.

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