Friday, June 02, 2006

Billy Jeff Clinton Don't Like Crony Capitalism---Tell it to Burkle!

There has got to be a significant difference between a "bachelor buddy" getting all sorts of favorable tidbits [like $500 million from CALIFORS to invest] as Ron Burkle did from the Cal Pension authority, a Dem Party sluice chute for its own slush fund referrals, and "cronies" who make money the old-fashioned way, called the marketplace.

Of course, the Dems disdain "markets" and the marketplace because they have so many monster scams like Fannie Mae, the public sector pension funds of California, Target, and probably other "lock-boxes" for their own agendas. And the California legislature genuflects when Billy Jeff raises his hand in benediction. Plus their whacko-plutocrat-wannabe constituency on the coasts still pine for a socialist 'worker's paradise' that the perfessers taught them in the days before a nanny-state began to supplant atheistic communism. They're still materialists, but now they want the world Oprahfied, not socialized.

So strap on your pacemaker when you read about the only guy up there with GWB in the "worst president since World War II" contest run by Quinnipiac the other day, the ineffable and insufferable narcissist nicknamed "Forty Two" by the present inhabitants of the WH, inveighing loud and long about them "crony capitalists."

Billy Jeff Clinton has a far better idea. Just get "Government Sponsored Enterprises" like the trillion-dollar scam Fannie Mae, whose monster kickbacks and "bonuses" have yet to get the MSM excited. Now if there were only an angle to get the MSM make Fannie Mae look like it was Bush's fault.

That's the ticket!

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