Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Heat is Dwyane's World

Marty Burns and Jack McCallum have two slightly different takes in their Sports Illustrated sum-ups of the NBA Finals. McCallum thinks that the Heat is a one-trick pony. However, he does describe Dwyane's final four games, where Flash elevated to the level of levitation, as "Jordan and esque."

Kelly Dwyer blames the Mavs, and I myself am scratching my head as to why Avery Johnson did not deploy Marquis Daniels more often to cool down the red-hot DWade.

Mourning's aftergame interview with the press was inspirational, even if he had ditched the New Jersey Nets, and reminded everyone of the contingencies of fate even during the times we should celebrate. Et in Arcadia Ego.

And Shaq kept musing on Riley's remarkable prescience, when he told the Heat on June 8th that they would be Champs on June 20th. Riley should see a spike in sales of his motivation self-development programs. Another Tony Robbins?

Finally, Dwyane mentioned Dallas papers dissing the Heat as "Unworthy Opponents" and showing prospective victory parade routes as strong motivational material for the Heat comeback.

And, finally, who will forget Mark Cuban, the owner from hell, who tried to make the Finals just another episode of the soap opera of his personal prima donna quest for fulfillment.

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