Saturday, June 03, 2006

Canada's Slow Awakening

The Toronto Star has an extensive story on the amazing Canadian Security Intell Service [CSIS] coup in arresting around 20 Muslim Islamic extremists.

The Muslim nasties have been tracked since 2004 by CSIS discovering their subversive terrorist plans online and then cracking their encrypted messages. Before the arrests, the terrorists had bought THREE TONS of ammonium nitrate, 3X as much as Oklahoma City, and, it appears, were preparing to blow up either CSIS Toronto HQ or the Ottawa govt. complexes.

So in a sense, Canada has elected a Conservative government and discovered it must defend itself from home-grown toxic waste almost simultaneously!

What a coincidence!

I wonder what the feckless patty-cake Liberal Govt. would have done? And maybe Canada might pull its pants back up and un-assume the position by actually doing a little bit towards spending for its own defense? What a thought!

It's hard for nanny-staters to put their minds around the concept of evil, since the multicultural moral relativism of forebearance and submission to alien doctrines has been drummed into Canadian heads for so long.

But soft, effete, feminized countries face contempt from aggressively masculine subcultures like Islam, who regard tolerance as intolerable. So Holland and France and Spain might have to inject a little more testoserone into their national psyches, unless of course the spirochetes of dissolution and decay have rotted their insides out. And Britain must remain on guard against its own traditions of tolerant political discourse. It seems political discourse is not an Islamic tradition.

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