Monday, June 12, 2006

Pelosi: So Stuck on Stupid WaPo Criticizes Her

The rapidly advancing Alzheimer's affecting Nancy Pelosi's cerebral cortex has reached her frontal lobes with this one.

The 66-year old Political Genius from North Beach who wanted to call the Dem's 2006 Congressional Campaign a "Contract on America" until it was pointed out to her that it would imply a Mafia Hit scheduled on the country---something this self-described "Italian-American Catholic grandmother" seems somehow to have overlooked!

Now in the same breath, this brain-dead gramma calls the Dems the party of "civility" while railing about Republican "corruption." She probably doesn't even understand why civilized people are laughing at her. Nor do liberals, as it challenges their myth of infallibility---"no fault on the left," as the Leninists used to say.

And of course, William Jefferson and Rep Mollohan and Harry Reid with his boxing ticket freebies aren't "corrupt." They're just normal Democrats!

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