Thursday, June 22, 2006

WMD Weapons Found in Iraq?

Yes, the weapons found in Iraq were probably way past their shelf date and yes, Saddam did pull a fast one by destroying or exporting his caches of WMD before the war.

However, as a Washington Post article conveniently neglects to mention:

First, credible Iraqi senior military officials have offered evidence that WMD was exported to Syria and Lebanon, evidence which has not been tracked down as the US is in a delicate balancing act with Syria.

Second, that Iraqi generals were all under the impression that the WMD was present and deployable once the US invasion began. If the senior Iraqi military did not know, how would the CIA and DIA be much better at sniffing out this fact.

Third, that ALL the world's military and intelligence apparatuses, not just the CIA/DIA/NSA were convinced that Saddam had WMD, since he never denied having the weapons.

Finally, the widespread conventional wisdom that Bush knew about the absence of WMD, when his own CIA Director Tenet told him finding it would be a "slam dunk," the so-called "Bush lied, soldiers died" is simply ultra-leftist agitprop that opportunistic and dishonest politicians like John Kerry have seized upon.

So when the rabid rancid left trot out their slogans, remember that like almost everything else in their blatherings, it's just more shoddy bloggerel.

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