Saturday, August 05, 2006

UW Provost Whines: Freedom of Speech, but Only So Much Speech

The cloud-cuckoo kingdom of Looneyland on Lake Mendota bleats lamely that the certifiable whack-job Kevin Barrett continues to seek publicity for his outlandish poppycock---the USG planned and executed 9/11 through Islamic dupes? [Barrett keeps this part a mystery]

Although the UW Provost suit claims:
Barrett has appeared on national television shows and given dozens of interviews to discuss his theories and has been erroneously described as a professor rather than a part-time instructor. He is also active in a group of scholars who share his views.

Farrell scolded Barrett for identifying himself as a UW-Madison instructor in e-mails in which he challenged others to debate his theories. The provost said the challenges suggest ``that you speak for the university -- precisely what I told you was inappropriate in that context.''

Oooowwwch, that's going to leave a mark! But Provost Patrick Ferrell [any relation to Will?] does tone down the harshness of rebukes:
Farrell said he wanted Barrett to know that he could reconsider his decision [to let KB teach] if he did not meet expectations. He said Barrett has ``modestly made some efforts'' to cut down on publicity.

There, there, now. Nothing to get upset about. Lies, calumnies, and ridiculous distortions are commonplace in Madison, and this doesn't really press the edge of THAT envelope. But the natives are beating the jungle telegraph:
The decision has sparked a major backlash against UW-Madison, with 61 state lawmakers denouncing the move.

The Ozaukee County Board voted Wednesday to cut funding to next year's UW Extension program by $8,247 -- the amount Barrett will earn for the course -- in a symbolic protest that could spread to other counties. [Recall that Leon Czolgosz, Prez McKinley's assassin, grew up in Ozaukee County!--ed]

Meanwhile, Kevin Barnett has become the next Ward Churchill of the Hog-Farm illuminati, and relishes his fifteen minutes of buffoonery.

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