Sunday, August 13, 2006

Update On Lieberman Pulls Away From Lamont in New Poll

Michelle Malkin has a great little piece on the normal hyperbolic hypocrite, Ned Lamont, posing between two racists, anti-white racist nutcase Maxine Waters and anti-black racist nutroot meth-freak Hamsher.

The ultra left Dems are digging a deep hole for their party.
Already up 5% after a couple days of reflection, who wants to bet that statewide vote on Lieberman won't exceed Lamont by 10% in November?

I think the photos of Jesse "The Extorter" Jackson, Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton, and "Baby Killer" Gandy framing Lamont should be emailed to every family in every Republican database nationwide to alert the patriots as to the kind of Americastan these Marxists want to cause, albeit through their Marxist stupidity.

The sonorous imbecilities of WaPo Political Commissar Balz argue that Lamont is a sign of the Dem future this Fall and in 3008. Does he mean blackface attack ads and the dodo-dada POV of John Kerry magnified across the land? I sure hope so, because more perceptive observers than Balz don't think that brand of isolationist defeatism will sell well outside the two Left Coasts.

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