Monday, August 28, 2006

Wooden Lying Al: "I lost, Democracy in peril"

Chicken Little Gorebot continues his campaign against the electoral system that pulled down his pants, spanked him publicly, and cast his internet-inventing earth-tone garbed political cadaver into the outer darkness, where he gnashes his teeth in public railing about the weather and the media [read Fox, which is growing by leaps and bounds] and whatever else he can pontificate about.

He lost an election he was front-loaded to win and it's got to be the system's fault.

His new TV network is going nowhere and it's got to be big media crushing democratic "dialogue," which in his "network's" case means YouTube liberal rants.

Thank goodness he says he's not running in 2008, but remember this is lyin' Al.

He says Bush is "not unintelligent." Of course, Al's grades were not good enough to get his sorry ass into Harvard, and his emotional collapse during college kept him from even getting into Vanderbilt in his home state with his daddy as a Senator. Bush's grades and IQ projected from his SAT scores make GWB smarter than either Kerry or dropout Gorebot, according to those who measure such things.

Gore says GWB is incurious and has a "puzzling lack of curiosity."

Hmmm.... Maybe Gore himself is a frivolous dilettante who flutters from teaching journalism to global warming to running a TV network to posing as a political pundit with the attention span of a housefly and the IQ of a butterfly.

Or maybe he's just a sore loser.

Tim Blair and Daily Pundit have suitably derisory comments on this serial whinging by a classic whiner.

Let's put it this way. Al was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.

Gore - ever more unhinged[my emphasis]

Agence France Presse reports on a speech Al Gore gave in Edinburgh Sunday at the International Television Festival in which he says "democracy is under attack."

Does he mean by Osama, or by Ahmadinejad, or by Nasrallah (Hizballah)? You know he doesn’t! He means here in the good old US of A! Why? Because the media is "more controlled and centralized!"

Uhhhh…..Al. I think you may have missed the blogosphere. You should have paid attention after you invented the internet. I think you may have missed Fox News. I think you may have missed the decline in subscribers at all the major MSM newspapers. I think you may have missed the new reality that the MSM can’t get away with making up the narrative any more, whether it is Dan Rather and the Texas Air National Guard or Reuters and fauxtography in Lebanon.

The real danger to democracy in the U.S., to the extent that it exists, is campaign finanace reform which is pushing the Democratic Party into the hands of left-wing billionaire extremists, as documented in David Horowitz’ and Richard Poe’s new book Shadow Party. Trust Al to get it completely backwards. Who says the US of A isn’t lucky?

Yes, the US is very lucky this stone slacker blew an overwhelming lead to lose---largely because Billy Jeff and his Attorney Gen Janet Reno, a Florida native, managed to cut the Cuban vote in Florida from 35% Dem in 1996 to 20% in the year 2000---all to please Dem-favorite dictator Fidel Castro.

Gore did his best to eff-up his campaign, but the Elian Gonzalez debacle really flushed his lying exaggerations and strange debating strategies to a place where they are still lying in segregated septic isolation.

The question still remains: who is more unhinged, the wet-eyed wooly-minded geek Jimmy Carter or the ChickenLittle/SkyisFalling Gorebot?

Ponder and ponder: guess it depends on whether you prefer imbecilic bantamweight to raving whinge-machine or vice versa.

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