Sunday, August 27, 2006

Meathead Reiner Spouts Gibson Gibberish

Okay, anyone who goes 85 in a forty with an open bottle of tequila at 3AM is terminally daft to begin with, but now Gibson is attacked by a bigger loser than he is, the no-talent politico-wannabe Meathead Reiner whose gift for politics is as absent as his ability to be an A-List Hollyweird talent.

So Meathead now attacks Gibson for a movie that grossed more than any Cruise movie this decade just to keep the lubricants in his well-oiled jawbone of an ass moving so he won't become the
Tin Man instead of a meathead, which is what he is and evidently always will be in the public's mind.

Gibson will never be forgiven for making an accurate movie of the Passion of Christ and having it become a worldwide success---at least by B-List has-beens like Reiner.

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