Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Ahmadodojihad Praised by Kossacks

The Kamikaze Wannabes over at the "reality-based" Kossack hive swarm are frisked by Jawa Report over their strange infatuation with four-foot-ten Amadinnerjihad---five-foot-zero Moulitsas loves those short-hitters! [Be sure to check out flower-child Jara's billet doux to Sister Soljah as one of the African bees goes into the comment bin!]

Volokh notes the Kos insaniacs but also asks about Wallace lack of questions about journalistic freedom in the Islamic Republic.

Also left unsaid by Wallace are any questions about executions of sixteen-year old girls for promiscuity.

The Kossacks just love anyone who hates Bush, whatever their record on human rights or any democratic freedoms. As Ace notes, to the New York Times these bomb-throwers are "moderates." Deranged Bush Hatred Syndrome is an epidemic at the NYT HQ in Times Square, so why shouldn't the Kossack frothaholics fit right into their "moderate" cubbyhole? [Ace also has photo of SF Hezbo-marcher with delicate sentiments about Jews. MSM just goes along with bashing Sen. Allen for insensitivity, while Biden walks scot-free---Photos like the SF degenerate never get into the Al-AP or Al-Reuters files.]

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