Saturday, August 26, 2006

Hezbocrats Attack Wal-Mart!

Herman Cain has an excellent column on the shameless pandering the "Hezbocrats" are doing for their union special interests by attacking Wal-Mart.

Want to bet that this will backfire on the human metronomes nodding and bowing at the beck and call of the Democrat Party's vast array of special constituencies? Cain thinks so:
Two organizations, Wal-Mart Watch and Wake Up Wal-Mart, are responsible for organizing the Iowa rallies and similar rallies across the country. As the old political adage reminds us, follow the money. Wal-Mart Watch is funded by the Teamsters Union and the Service Employees International Union. The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union funds Wake Up Wal-Mart. Why would Big Labor Unions organize a fight against Wal-Mart? Because employees at the nation’s largest employer do not belong to labor unions.

Hezbocrat opposition to Wal-Mart is akin to their opposition to legislation that would have increased the minimum wage because it also contained a provision to scale back the estate tax. They pay no mind to the raft of economic benefits Wal-Mart brings to employees, customers and communities. All the critics see is that Wal-Mart has not succumbed to Big Labor Union – and Big Labor Union, pillar of the Hezbocrat Party, is not happy.

The Hezbocrats risk a huge political backlash by drawing horns and a tail on Wal-Mart’s trademark yellow happy face. They say that Wal-Mart treats its employees poorly, but who is complaining? In January, 25,000 people applied for 325 available jobs at a proposed Wal-Mart store outside of Chicago. According to Wal-Mart, over 75 percent of its store managers started with the company as hourly workers. Wal-Mart’s prices save the average American household over $2,300 per year. The company is so unpopular that over 127 million customers shop at its U.S. stores each week.

When you vote this November, remember which party places unionizing the largest private employer’s workers over jobs and low retail prices for the communities and families who need them the most. It is unfortunate, and telling, that with all the threats to our national security abroad, the candidates for president from one of the two major political parties have instead chosen to declare war on a private company right here at home.

Most voters shop Wal-Mart and don't care a fig about Wal-Mart's wage policies, which are right in line with other retail chains [contrary to what confabulators like Biden would have you believe].

Almost all the "audience" of the speeches the various panderers have made are union members assembled for a peanut-gallery camera photo-op.

Meanwhile, real terrorists are trying to blow up planes flying to our shores and the Democrat Party seems unaware of the threat.

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