Saturday, August 26, 2006

Hitchens Flips the Bird at Maher's Audience

The Lefty Airhead Braindeads in Maher's audience received their just deserts from Christopher Hitchens after the supercilious dorkboy Bill compared GWB with Amadildojihad. In the words of a commenter to the Newsbusters site above:
YES!! WISH I COULD HAVE JOINED HIM! If it's good enough for Christopher Hitchens, it's good enough for me. Yeah, F. Bill Maher! What a total pompous ass. No talent, not funny, narcissistic, obnoxious, 3 lbs.-of- make-up-for-t.v. Maher?, and he has the bollox to call our president an idiot? Wow, what an amazing wit! Rain man has more insight and originality. His audience is a bunch of syncophantic kool-aid drinkers. Our president cannot be compared with that subhuman president of Iran, unless you're the idiot! It's unbelievable. If I was president, they'd be a whole lot of deporting going on, and I mean the likes of those gobshites. off to Cuba, France, Gaza and anywhere else you think is better than America.[kathleen irish]

Wish I'd written that!

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