Saturday, August 05, 2006

Suitcase Bombs Puzzle German Sleuths

Yes, mysteries abound in the placid peace-loving Bahnhofs of Deutschland, as Der Spiegel scratches its metaphorical pate over the discovery of two suitcases in German train stations with Arabic script and gas canisters and bomb material inside. Der Spiegel, much like its New World counterparts The Toronto Globe and Mail and the LA Times, just can't put all the clues together to solve this puzzling phenomenon.

Remember Toronto's G&M had a journalistic quandary over those 23 "average, normal Canadians" named Mohammed a couple of months ago? And the LAT musing over the motives of a Muslim screaming "I hate Jews and I hate Israel" shooting six women in a Seattle Jewish Center last month? The LAT opined that perhaps it was something this gentleman had against women?

And as we all know, the 9/11 plot was hatched in that old Hanseatic entrepot of Hamburg. We do know that, but German courts seek to put lipstick on that bratwurst.

The German mag asks itself:
What isn't clear is how to interpret the plastic bag [with the Arabic script]. Terrorists who want to claim responsibility tend to leave unmistakable clues, say experts, and the bag would have been destroyed in any explosion. The perpetrators may have wanted to leave a false trail to the Middle East, and investigators say they're working on every scenario -- from terrorism to the possibility that someone wanted to blackmail the German rail system.

Yeah, blackmail! That's the ticket! Hmmm.... Sherlock and his Doctor pal would be proud. Instead of a dog that didn't bark, a bomb that didn't blow up [with deceptive Arabic script to hide the true motives of the scheming blackmailers].

Yes, the GWOT just is full of funhouse-mirror false clues and optical illusions!

The remote possibility that the bomb/suitcases might be from Middle East terrorists who want to replicate 9/11, London, or Madrid in the sleepy little burghs of Germany---why even think of such a horrid thought?

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