Sunday, August 27, 2006

Armitage Responsible for Plame Kerfuffle?

Tom Maguire has more about the vast left-wing MSM hype-fest concerning a second-rate petty functionary sent by his wife to cover-up for Saddam's uranium-quest in Africa.

Daniel Boorstin wrote long ago about the American invention of the "pseudo-event" which can be defined in several ways. I contend that the entire long wasteful and ridiculous Special Prosecutor's snipe-hunt is a pseudo-event.

Back in January, I picked Armitage out of a notional line-up because he had a long-standing reputation for being an interagency polymath, the sort of fellow who knows everrything and whose memoirs will be much more interesting than the earnest or self-serving pap of most senior officials---earnest Cyrus Vance, for instance, or egomaniac Henry Kissinger.

The entire Fitzpatrick investigation was spurious. Plame was hardly a high-level operative and had been out of a covert job for over five years and hence was not even covered by the law Libby was being prosecuted for breaking. Wilson had become a Democrat supporting John Kerry and was obviously fishing for some sort of post in a Democrat administration. The whole affair smacked of a partisan payback by Democrats for Karl Rove's deftly outmaneuvering their every ploy at regaining one of the bodies of Congress or the Presidency.

Oh well. Isikoff and other ink-stained wretches have to manufacture news if it doesn't actually happen.

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