Friday, August 04, 2006

Peanut Dementia

Slate had about a half-dozen blogs responding to the latest vapid nonsense ex-Peanut Farmer in Chief Carter exhaled concerning the Middle East. Among the many back-atchyas were several from lefty bloggers just wondering when this embarrassment to their party will just dissolve into the evening mists like a will o' the wisp. Swamp gas metaphors abound when the miasma midget opens his Nobel Peace joke repertoire.

Slate's Michael Weiss does note that:
"ex-President Jimmy Carter offered his post-Nobel Peace Prize counsel for the Middle East. He lambasted Israel's breach of U.N. resolutions (but not Hezbollah's) and dismissed the effectiveness of "incremental" withdrawals from the West Bank and Gaza. Bloggers left and right would rather see Carter build houses than offer foreign policy advice as a former resident of the White House."

A wise Irishman notes:
"President Carter would do well to acknowledge that his own policy against even speaking to the Palestinian Liberation Organization, that led to the forced resignation of Ambassador Andrew Young in 1979, was wrong."

And an Israeli blogger is a bit more harsh:
"Carter's to-do list of what must be done to bring peace, starting of course with Israel's ceasing its attacks and continuing with all sorts of unenforceable measures to defuse the situation—but including the return of Shebaa Farms (which is actually recognized as belonging to Syria) and the release of terrorists. Missing from Carter's list is the return of the kidnapped Israeli soldiers."

Of course, if the diminuitive ex-Prez had a clue, he'd know that the US, UN and everybody except Syria and Lebanon regard Shebaa Farms as Syrian. And the oversight on the Israeli soldiers is probably not deliberate, but just another indication of his overall delusionary incompetence.

A liberal blogger shows a little lack of respect for the Hezbo-lovin' Democrat ex-Prez:
Carter's proposal for dealing with Hezbollah and Hamas is "essentially, 'Give them what they want and maybe they'll go away.' It hasn't happened before; why would things be different now? Accordingly, the only response left is to do whatever is necessary to eliminate Hezbollah and, if necessary, Hamas. … Any backing down now is a sign of weakness, which undoubtedly will be exploited."

But my favorite is probably a nice little round-up of the multiple deficiencies of the shortest-hitting Prez ever, or at least in living memory, by a blogger named Target Rich Environment who has a nice little sum-up recommending that Jimmy C. stand in front of Israeli heavy machinery and do a Rachel Corrie!

Long lost on the American public lies the truth behind our present mess in the Middle East: Jimmy Carter nixed the sale of rubber bullets to the Shah's police in 1978, months later the same police slaughtered several hundred students in early 1979, causing student riots leading to bazaari loss of faith in the Shah leading in turn to Ayatollah Khomeini.

And the whole mad Shi'ite mullahcracy can be thankful that this voluble verbose toxic Peace Prize winner probably did the "want of a nail, the shoe was lost" eff-up that started the entire series of events leading to Hezbollah's reign of terror in South Lebanon [and the invention of suicide bombing!].

That's a lot for this terminally chronically incompetent nincompoop to take credit for. But Jimmy Carter's true bequest, the heritage he left behind him in American history is as an UNMITIGATED DISASTER.

Best to listen to his words of advice AND DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE!

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