Friday, August 04, 2006

Castro KGB Hassles Canadian Journalist

The Toronto Star continues to demonstrate that journalism is not dead in Canada. A couple of months ago, when Canadian intelligence police seized twenty-three "average normal Canadians" for a bomb plot, it was the Star that pointed out that all twenty-three were Muslims.

Pravda on the Lake, the nickname of the Globe and Mail, slept through the weekend of the arrests and oh-so-gently investigated the far-out assumption that we may be talking about Islamofascists and not average normal Canadians, most of whom have Mohammed in their given names.

Cuba is a nasty oppressive Marxist dictatorship which has been cosseted and stroked by the ultra-left MSM in the States and Canada for four decades and counting.

Frauds like Barbara Walters, Peter Jennings, and Katie Couric have all sung Castro's praises---and the flagship for neo-Marxist dribble called Pravda on the Hudson has exalted Castro to a sort of Madonna of the left. The NYT continues its Walter Duranty tradition of supporting "socialist experiments" like Castro's and Stalin's, drawing the line at Pol Pot and, inferentially, Kim Jung-Il, for dabbling in genocide.

Castro has presided over the "genocide of the soul," to use a liberal trope, in Cuba.

Good the Toronto Star has the "huevos" to point that out.

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