Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Extra! NYT Admits Hajj Photo Doctored, Leaves OUT Lede

The relentlessly guiltless exempt MSM flagship NYT has admitted that an Islamist-photog named Hajj doctored photographs of Beirut and an Israeli bomber [while omitting that fake bombs were inserted into the plane photo]. This tabloid broadsheet dead-tree counterpart to Hezbollywood doesn't commit the rare MSM crime of
journalism by noting that the same Islamist photog had about ten different photos of the same green-helmeted "rescue worker" at Qana ten days ago parading in several poses with several grimaces and open-mouth gapes and several different dead children. The posed fakery was quickly spotted by alert bloggers, though Reuters claims [and the NYT omits any mention of] the pictures in question were not fake set-ups---even though they were taken by Islamist photo-"journalist" Hajj.

What does one expect from two relentlessly anti-American, anti-Israeli "news" sources whose output resembles agitprop from Iranian or Al-Jazeera newsfeeds?

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