Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Post Poll with 160 Respondents Shows Owebungler Lead

Jennifer Rubin blows the cover off the rotten corruption that her own paper, the Washington Post, employs to boost its candidate, the First Imbecile Obama.
You’ve got to get deep into the weeds to tell what is going on. The Washington Post-ABC pollsters tell us that “52 percent of likely voters across swing states side with Obama and 41 percent with Romney in the new national poll.” But without the proper context, readers may jump to an incorrect conclusion when they see that figure, concluding that Obama is home-free in swing states. As I learned from Post pollster Jon Cohen, that finding is based on the responses of a total of 160 people, and it has a margin of error of 8 percentage points. So yes, there may be a difference between swing-state and national numbers, but the gap might be very small or it might be big. Moreover, the swing-state votes aren’t aggregated. You need to look at each one separately. The presidential contest is a race to 270 electoral votes. So the true battleground states (sorry, that doesn’t mean Michigan or Pennsylvania) are where things will matter. The Obama team and its dutiful media spinners were emphatic for a week or so that the race had been blown open. Now they will point to the gap between national and swing-state polling. But really how large is that. Look at the Virginia polling. Is the margin there two points or eight points? In Ohio, is the margin one, nine or four points? Take your pick. The state polling in September, if you will pardon the expression, was all over the map. It is easy for partisans to take great comfort or become despondent based on relatively little and very shaky data. Since both sides are pounding away with ads and making frequent appearances in the same states, it’s a good bet the race is within the margin of error in Ohio, Virginia and a handful of other critical states.
Check out the original article at the link above and notice the comments below dutifully braying the Dem Jackass symbol's recurrent BS that Obama has it in the bag and GOP voters should just stay home and avoid the traffic and the weather on November 6th. After all, most of those old white Christians, who used to be part of the "Greatest Generation," are now deprecated as useless drags on an economy that will spring back once The Black Golfer is re-elected, n-est-ce pas? Oh yeah, the tiny respondent pool of theose polled were 34% Dimmo-rat and 26% GOP, hardly the national %age...!!!

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