Sunday, August 13, 2006

WaPo Take on Jihadists: It's All Our Fault!

The fatuous wooly-headed leftist mantra explaining the attacks on the US and UK as a product of US foreign policy conveniently overlooks the attack on the WTC in 1993, the first Bojinka attempt in 1995, the attacks on US embassies in 1998, and the attack on the US Cole in 2000, all under the wooly-headed, overlawyered multicultural oh, so sensitive Billy Jeff Clinton and his feminized foreign policy. Billy Jeff's brand of Carter-lite let's-check-it-with-the-judges pattycake assumed we were not fighting an atavistic imperial "culture" marked by political backwardness and religious extremism. Now we know better.

But the multiculturalist Washington Post swallows the old-fashioned Al-Qaeda Kool-Aid in an article that conveniently sidesteps the major reasons we are under attack today.

USS Neverdock fisks this parody of Robert Fisk in the Post ferociously and accurately. His take, that Islam was conceived in warfare and conquest and is reverting to its chiliastic roots, is far better than the Washington Post's philosophical subtext of "Why can't we just all get along?" The Post quote:
"There is more nervousness now between communities and about the future," said Colin Sumers, 32, an information technology consultant from Bournemouth. "Where is this all heading? How do you answer these problems? What do these terrorists want?"

Duh. They want an Islamic Britain, as they preach day in and day out in the officially tolerated nests of terrorism called "mosques" by innocent outsiders.

They are counting on the immense Fifth Column of the US and UK Fourth Estates to keep giving them cover as they set up their cells and preach their hatred. I would love to know how many reporters from the NYT and Post are of western origin, yet speak Arabic or Urdu or Farsi. The Post has Shadid, but blood is thicker than water and his reporting from Lebanon is beginning to reek of his mother's milk.

What is it about "Clash of Civilizations" that the western media doesn't understand?

1 comment :

Martin said...


The Adam Smith Institute's blog has posted an item on how to make a plave hijack proof.

I have placed a comment for moderation to the effect that the only hijack-proof plane is one on which Muslims are not permitted to fly.

I don't think it's appeared yet...