Thursday, August 10, 2006

Queen of the Moonbats

Just when you don't think a spoof can get any funnier, read this as a person does a satire on How Cruel Life Can Be from London. Note that this person reads Swedish newspapers, a hint of recessive cortex and lobes in itself. You just can't make this sort of stuff up!
I remember flying out of Tel Aviv, on a business trip to Israel. Although I have a serious issue with their actions in Lebanon, I found the Israelis to be quite kind, but their way of life was so foreign to me-the security at the airport was the most ruthless and aggressive I had ever seen. I am a well-seasoned traveller but they had me, and many others, reduced to tears. I actually felt scared. Aside from the airport, I had good hosts, but I remember each time we went out for dinner we had to be searched at every restaurant. Some even had metal detectors fitted over the doors. The Israelis seemed so nonchalant about this-this was their way of life, they were used to it.

I don't want to be used to this.

I love the fact that I am an American, I am proud of my heritage and my background, but I am equally proud and thrilled to live in the UK with my English love. What I don't like, what my biggest problem is in all of this, is knowing there is loss of liberty. I hate that all details about me are transmitted to the US government when I travel, right down to any meals I order. I hate that wire-tapping is all A-ok now and can be done without a warrant. Hell, I'm sure this blog post will set off some flags somewhere, and some government official will read it to make sure I'm not a loon. I'm not a loon. No really, I'm not.

Actually, if anyone reads the entire post and believes this person does not have some sort of post-modern delusional symptoms way beyond your average psychotic, puh-leez let me know. Or maybe she means "seasoned traveller" in the French sense of "faisandee?"

It's obvious this creature believes that security is unjustified and that the occasional airliner should be allowed to blow up so that she doesn't have to "juggle her tampons in a transparent carry-on bag."

Read the rest and decide for yourself. Does this person deserve to raise children?

And thank you, Michelle Malkin, for revealing the far side of human nature to us unwashed masses.

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