Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Nasty KO Lie List Compiled, Pared down to Top Ten

ESPN had its Sportcenter flashback parade yesterday and Keith Olbermann was prominent in doing something he was much more qualified to do: BS about sports.

Instead, prodding by the seething hatred of his ESPN colleagues [reportedly only Dan Patrick would even talk to him], this serial prevaricator jumped ship and professions, aping play critic Frank Rich & economist [!?] Paul Krugman in a role for which all three are spectacularly unsuited---political commentators.

Of course, Keith Olberboy does reflect his core audience, degenerates of the ultra-left, so there are in a nation of 300 million perhaps a few hundred thousand hopeless cases who watch this preening Stick Insect get high each night sniffing his own farts.

Check the link for additional links on the hilarious self-parody this clueless bigot spews every night.

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